Thankfully, in our last Consortiums Meeting of the DAPAS Project we were able to see each other in person again. We agreed to hold the meeting hybrid because not all partners wanted to travel to another country due to Covid-19. However, it worked great! Some of the partners dialed in on Skype and all others met in Coimbra, Portugal at
Due to COVID-19, the sessions planned for the control group could not take place. Therefore, CDC created a book with cognitive activities and tips on how to keep an healthy and active lifestyle for the participants in the control group. The cognitive games included sudokus, word puzzle and many more. Regarding the tips on healthy and active ageing, it had
During June and July, Cáritas Coimbra team has delivered sessions on digital literacy at centres which users participate in the DAPAS project. The session aimed to increase digital literacy skills, encouraging users to use more their DAPAS system, and promote active ageing using new technologies. The sessions had three different parts: a presentation about active ageing and new technologies; a
The European Covenant on Demographic Change is happy to launch its new webinar session “THE GRASSROOT EXPERIENCE DURING COVID19 | ENABLERS AND CHALLENGES”. Organised for the Covenant by Caritas Coimbra, in collaboration with SHINE 2Europe and the ECHAlliance, it will take place on June 1st, at 11:30 CET, hosted by Joan Martin and Carina Dantas, with the main aim to
The second version of the DAPAS system was just given to users from nursing homes and home services that participate in the project, following all the safety and hygiene measures. In the last few months, the DAPAS team worked on implementing the users’ feedback to optimize the technology being developed in the DAPAS project. Finished this cocreation stage, that aimed
As the first group of the participants in the DAPAS project, some of the residents of the Liebenau assisted living facility received the next version of the DAPAS system consisting of the Emma Base Station, a smart lamp and a voice control system. The variety of additional devices initially presented the participants with a greater challenge. However, with the help
Following the Starter Version, the Value Version includes more hardware for all participants. The hardware includes the Emma Base Station connected to a speech control system, a motion sensor, and an ambient light. All parts of the additional hardware equipment was prepared by EXT, including the pre-installation of the different languages on the systems: German, French and Portuguese. After all
65 erabiltzaileren baino gehiagoren etxean ezartzen ari da jadanik DAPAS sistema berria Cáritas Coimbra, aparteko segurtasun- eta higiene-estandarrei jarraikiz. Larrialdi-egoeran, bertan behera geratu ziren tresna digital berritzaile horien entrega eta instalazioa; hala ere, pandemiak eragindako gizarte-isolamenduko egoera gero eta handiagoen ondorioz, prozedura berriak sortu zituen DAPAS aplikazioaren taldeak, tabletak azken erabiltzaileei segurtasunez emate aldera. AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) konponbideen aurreko
DAPAS proiektuaren itzulera prestatzen ari da Cáritas Coimbra, beharrezko segurtasun- eta higiene-arauei jarraikiz. COVID-19aren pandemiak eragindako larrialdi-egoera ezartzean, eten egin zen proiektu honetako pilotuaren inplementazioaren hasiera. AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) konponbideen aurreko proiektuen emaitza arrakastatsuak biltzen ditu proiektuak; dagoeneko erabiltzaileak bildu zituen DAPAS sistema urtebetez etxean jasotzeko. Adineko helduen premietan oinarritzen da konponbide berritzaile hau, eta haien bizi-kalitatea hobetzea du