/ October 22, 2018

Cáritas Coimbra will be attending the Nortexcel Care Workshop | Centre of Excellence in Medical Technologies, to be held on October 25 at the Magno Auditorium of the School of Health of the Polytechnic of Porto (ESS).
Cáritas will be represented by Carina Dantas, Innovation Department Director, who will moderate the session “New technologies applied to health care”.
NORTEXCEL is a non-profit association that will host the new Centre of Excellence in Medical Technologies in the Northern region of Portugal. The centre of excellence proposes a unique model of an “innovation company” with a key role in the technology and know-how in the north region. The new Centre will act as an institution interface between the scientific community, the business community, industry, entrepreneurship, start-up communities and the public sector, in order to build synergies and cooperation bridges for the development of medical, health and wellness devices.
One of the initiatives launched in this context is MED-IDEAS, a competition for innovative projects. This initiative is an opportunity to reflect on the challenges, barriers and possible solutions for the development of care provision, with the aim of promoting innovative ideas for the expansion of medical technologies, medical devices and/or similar technologies with potential for growth and creation of value in the economy of the northern region of Portugal. The projects are development applied in order to get to market quickly. The strategic areas identified are Care, Cancer and Cardio.
In the workshop on the 25th the topic under discussion will be the Care, which highlights the relevance of the presence of Cáritas Coimbra at the event and a good opportunity to discuss and disseminate others relevant projects like DAPAS.
Cáritas Coimbra and several organizations in the northern region of Portugal, such as INOVA, one of the founding members of Nortexcel, have been working together on several initiatives aimed at promoting active collaboration between research/academia, public authorities, companies and civil society/citizens, with the aim of approaching and finding common solutions to the national challenges brought about by demographic changes, such as the Portuguese Network Healthy, Smart and Age-Friendly Environments – https://caritascoimbra.pt/rede-portuguesa/sobre-a-rede/
Nortexcel Care Workshop

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