/ January 14, 2020

AgeingFit 2020 is the European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector

In DAPAS we are pleased to announce our participation in the 2020 AgeingFit event, which is taking place this year at the end of January in Nice (France). Specifically, Ideable’s CEO, Iñaki Bartolomé is going to take part in a discussion session aimed to address the innovation challenges that the Silver Economy poses to the market. Ageing Fit is held annually in France and is one of the main European events in the sector.

Connected healthy aging: wearables and data

The session in which we will participate will be on January 28 at 9 am, and it is going to direct an inside look at wearable devices, and whether the data they provide is really effective for the older population. The discussion table will focus on the current use of these technologies, what kind of results are obtained and what potential benefits are extracted for patients and organizations.

At the end, the objective is to extract useful information for the early detection and monitoring of patients in cases of physical, cognitive impairment or loss of autonomy.

Further information on the session: https://www.ageingfit-event.com/2020-conference-programme/  with the heading: “Inside look at wearables and data: Which potential to tackle the loss of physical, cognitive or psychosocial autonomy of an ageing population?”

DAPAS Project

The product of DAPAS will be constructed as a tablet app with a cloud backend and include smart hardware components (IoT) and a voice assistant. Additionally, during the project, DAPAS will develop the organizational and technical structures, and framework around the packages that allow a distribution and plug & play installation at a bigger scale. So this experience will be presented during the workshop.

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