The second version of the DAPAS system was just given to users from nursing homes and home services that participate in the project, following all the safety and hygiene measures.
In the last few months, the DAPAS team worked on implementing the users’ feedback to optimize the technology being developed in the DAPAS project. Finished this cocreation stage, that aimed to ensure the system met the users’ needs, Caritas Coimbra started the installation of the DAPAS’ second version last Tuesday, March 30th. The aim of the DAPAS project is to integrate packages of differentiated services that increase safety, support in activities of daily living and promote communication. The second version consists of an EMMA system, an ECHO dot, a smart lamp, and a movement sensor, that connect with a tablet which the participants got in the first version. The equipment allows participants to use the functions through voice. Furthermore, new games were integrated, which increases the possibility of performing cognitive trainings to promote active ageing.
To not put the participant’s health at risk, the research team organized a training and demo on how to use the system to participants’ formal caregivers. As, it will be the usual caregivers installing the system directly with the users.
The system was very well received by the participants. Many commented that the tablet has been their company in this time of social isolation, allowing for contact with other people (family members and caregivers) through videocalls. In other cases, the cognitive games have been the users’ favourite as they are entertained whilst following the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.